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Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the United States. Skin, Gut and Lungs lead the pack for affected body systems.(1) Susceptibility to specific types of allergens varies by age, race and gender, but no group is immune.(1)

The CDC has labeled food allergies as a “public health concern. More than 40% of children with food allergies have been treated in an emergency room.(1) The “pollen season” actually lengthened by more than 13 days throughout the US between 1995 and 2009.(2) Those suffering from allergies were absent from work approximately 4 days more than their counterparts, AND were less productive approximately 2 hours for every workday there allergies were active.(3)

Are you ready to “Escape Allergies, Chemical Sensitivities,Food Intolerances, and More with Homeopathy”?

We will gather each week to discuss one lesson from Allergic?!, the curriculum developed by Joette Calabrese that teaches how . We will discuss the protocols and case studies detailed in that week’s lesson, and I will offer my own personal experiences and additional tips on how these Practical Protocols can hope you get your life back.

Our study groups are meant to be a supportive environment that encourages participation by all in discussions that enrich everyone’s learning and help you organize what you are learning now for later recall. This curriculum includes which homeopathic medicines are most important to have on hand for Allergic?! practical protocols.

Students are expected to come to class discussions having already listened to that week’s pre-recorded lesson.

Step #1: Purchase your curriculum (Allergic?!) from and show proof of that purchase.

Step #2: Choose when you would like to begin (Dates & Times below).

Step #3: Go to my shop and Reserve your spot in the study group for $99.

All class times are listed as Eastern Time. Click here to convert to your time zone.

2025 Dates & Times:

  • May 7 through June 5. (7:00pm ET)
  • Other dates/times may be added as the year progresses.

You agree that your participation is for educational purposes only. None of the information exchanged between students or between students and teacher is meant to take the place of medical advice.

Please review our CANCELLATION POLICY: Group classes cannot be refunded once the class series begins.