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Scientific Studies

Studies, Studies, Studies

There are currently more than 5,000 studies on homeopathy available for review on Pubmed, the leading search engine for scientific research. The Results are in – hard facts support Homeopathy, as seen in these brief videos courtesy of MonHomeoMonChoix




Want more? Here are just a few of the links to available scientific studies that evaluate the efficacy of Homeopathy. All of them are published in peer-reviewed journals indexed on the NIH database of medical literature, PubMed:

In 1997, The Lancet published a thorough meta-analysis which showed that of 89 clinical trials, 44 reported homeopathy to be significantly more effective than placebo. (

An [Indian study of the treatment of ear infections]( showed that homeopathy outweighed conventional treatment. (Sinha MN, et al. Randomized controlled pilot study to compare Homeopathy and Conventional therapy in Acute Otitis Media. Homeopathy 2012 Jan;101(1):5–12). Eighty-one children were randomly assigned to a homeopathically or conventionally treated group. The trial was also “blinded” — neither the parents nor the researchers knew who belonged to which group. Conventional treatment involved use of anti-inflammatories, analgesic, and fever-reducing medicines for three days, followed by antibiotics if the child hadn’t improved by at least 50%. Homeopathic treatment used LM potencies. The results were statistically significant in favor of the homeopathic group, with the odds being less than 1 in 1000 that the findings occurred by chance.

A randomized, double-blind trial comparing homeopathy to Prozac (Fluoxetine) in the treatment of moderate to severe depression took place at a state medical school in Brazil. It found homeopathic treatment comparable to Prozac on all measured parameters (actually, homeopathic treatment was superior on all parameters, though not in a degree rising to “statistical significance”). Additionally, “a higher percentage of patients treated with Fluoxetine reported troublesome side effects.”

A 2007 German prospective study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found a specific homeopathic product to be comparable (actually slightly more effective) when compared to Ativan (Lorazepam) for the treatment of various nervous conditions (insomnia, distress, anxiety, restless, burnout, etc.)

Another otitis media study can be found at

In 2005, the European Journal of Pediatrics published a study entitled [Homeopathic treatment of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled crossover trial](, which concluded there was “scientific evidence of the effectiveness of homeopathy in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, particularly in the areas of behavioural and cognitive functions.”